Donate Online:
Use PayPal to make a secure donation on-line with your credit or debit card by clicking on the “Donate” button below. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law and are not refundable. If you are experiencing difficulty with your on-line contribution, please contact Katie Webb at or call (804) 649-8481, ext. 102.
Donate by Check:
You may also donate by sending a check payable to:
The Arc of Virginia
2471 Staples Mill Road
Richmond, VA 23230
Matching Gifts and Payroll Deductions:
If you are a federal employee, you will find us listed under Community Health Charities of Virginia.
Designate #6016. -
If you are a state of Virginia employee, you will find us listed under state-wide organizations under the Community Health Charities umbrella. Designate #6016.
If you are an employee in the private sector, you can support The Arc of Virginia by designating us specifically in your United Way and/or Community Health Charities pledge sheet. With United Way, you will need to write us in as a designation. Our EIN number is 54-0652554.
And, finally, if you are an employee in local public government (city or county), you can designate us in your United Way campaign. We are listed under the Community Health Charities banner in your brochure.